I Want to Learn How To Play a Car

There are lots of talented muscians in the world. Some are gifted with a good voice, the ability to play a music instrument, or simply a good ear — giving them the ability to write/compose/produce music. There are also lots of talented engineers in the world. They design the buildings we work in, the houses we live in, the things we use, and the cars we drive. What happens when these talents collide? OK Go makes one of the coolest car music…[...]

An Open Letter to the Genesee Brewing Company — Save 13 Cataract Street

The Genesee Brewing Company has proposed the re-development of and old packaging facility as a Genesee Brewery Visitor Center. Unfortunately they have hinged the project on the demolition of an adjacent structure, 13 Cataract Street. Because of the great historical value of this structure I started a petition to help influence the Genesee Brewing Company to save 13 Cataract Street from demolition. With demolition plans progressing and the final Zoning Board meeting on the subject scheduled for tomorrow, January 19 at [...]

Remembering Rochester’s Midtown Plaza During Christmas

By the time I moved to Rochester in ’98 Midtown Plaza was well past it’s prime. Major retailers had moved to the newer and arguably nicer malls in the suburbs. Much of the plaza was vacant and the stores that remained weren’t exactly draws. Although times were tough the atmosphere at the mall changed during the holiday season. Midtown Plaza filled with families. Both parents and children downright giddy to be in Downtown Rochester, visiting Midtown Plaza. The draw, however, wasn’t shopping.…[...]

New York City From 10,000 Feet

As those of you who know me personally are aware, I’m not the biggest fan of flying. I used to fly the leg between New York City and Rochester regularly however following 9/11 I came to the realization that I prefer transportation methods where I have some control over my destiny. So…I’ve been “making the drive” exclusively for several years now. Well my caprice caught a cold. I’ve been making due without a car but I had to find another way to…[...]

Preserve Rochester History; Save 13 Cataract Street

Rochester, NY needs YOUR help in preserving one of it’s most historic buildings. 13 Cataract Street, once home to Rochester’s Standard Brewing Co. has been slated for demolition! Help save this building by signing the petition. It’s been a tumultuous decade for brewing in Rochester. In 2000 Genesee Brewery was reorganized into the High Falls Brewery. Shortly after it’s reorganization the High Falls Brewery began expanding it’s contract brewing portfolio, providing an important revenue stream. During this same period the…[...]

Everything you never wanted to know about DSLR sensors & lenses

If you’ve been considering purchasing a DSLR camera or you own a DSLR and are considering purchasing a new lens this video is a must watch. It explains the differences between the various image sensor sizes, how they affect the images you take, and what impact they have on aftermarket/upgraded lenses. Ever wonder how wedding and sports photographers manage to get those awesome depth of focus photos? The answer lies within. Even if you’re just the average amateur photographer with no DLSR…[...]

Landscapes: An amazing time lapse video

Every once in a while I come across a video that is so amazing, so awe inspiring, I just have to share it with everyone I know. This is one of those videos. Created from still photographs taken on a Canon 5D2 DSLR which were then post processed and sequenced as video, this production by Dustin Farrell shows off the beauty and the majesty of the untamed wilderness in a way I’ve never seen before. Be sure to watch it in HD…[...]

Steve Jobs; The quotes that touched me

Steve Jobs has died. It is a huge loss for the tech industry and marks the loss of an icon. With each icons death, however, comes the opportunity for someone to fill their void. Or, better yet, strive to be better. A better person. A better role model. A better innovator. A new icon. Below are some quotes from Steve Jobs that have inspired me. Perhaps they’ll inspire you as well. “Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t…[...]

My Thoughts on the East River Ferry as a Human Powered Boater

The 2011 warm-weather paddling season is drawing to an end. It was a challenging year for recreational boaters on the Hudson & East Rivers alike. Massive sewage discharges, Superfund sites (Newtown Creek & Gowanus Canal), launch site restrictions, and, for the brave souls who regularly paddle the East River — the East River Ferry. Early in the season I made the decision to refrain from publically voicing my concerns over the new ferry service. After-all, with any new service…[...]

Install Windows 8 Developer Preview in VirtualBox

Windows 8 is here. You’ve seen all the screen shots, read all the blogger reviews, but what is it REALLY like? The only way to find out is to try it for yourself but switching your primary computer over to a preview OS isn’t feasible and not everyone has extra hardware laying around to test the new OS on. That’s where virtualization comes into play. Windows 8 can be tested on your current computer via Oracle VM VirtualBox. It won’t run as…[...]

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