Tetrinet 2 Shutdown forever

Yesterday was a sad day for the tetris community. A popular multiplayer tetris game, Tetrinet, was shutdown by The Tetris Company. Simultaneously the website and game servers were shutdown with little to no warning. The news is still circulating to game operators and players. This shutdown marks the end of a decade of free multiplayer tetris with unique and challenging game modes. Through the years there were various tetrinet tournaments which included some of the best tetris players in the world. It is believed that the latest attempts to shutdown multiplayer tetris clones is because of The Tetris Company’s first game release, Tetris Splash, which is available for download on Xbox Live Arcade (with a cost of $10).
It is unfortunate that the current owners of the tetris license are attempting these intimidation tactics again. In the 90’s they attempted to remove all free copies of tetris from the internet but were faced with the following challeneges. In the US a game can not be copyrighted. Only the name can be trademarked and the music can be copyrighted. This is effect means that the only thing that can be prevented is the use of a name like tetri* and the distribution of a clone of the original tetris music. I for one hope the tetrinet admins fight this shutdown through the use of a new name and stripping the included game music but at this time it looks doubtful. Lack of time and funding will likely spell the permanent demise of what was once regarded as the greatest multiplayer tetris game ever written.

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80 Responses to Tetrinet 2 Shutdown forever

  1. I have happy news! I was playin Cultris on the [US]BarthezZ’ Vacati server when I mentioned how much I miss TNET2. Lucky for me Achille was there and mentioned that the server is back up. Go to TNET2.org For the download. The splash screen doesn’t load like it used to but it will still let you log on. See you there =)

  2. Hello,

    I just got an e-mail that it’s back but I see that it’s been back for a while now. I have since moved on to a Mac (for schooling reasons), is there any way to get this thing running on it? I’ve tried Cross Over and CrossOver Games but nothing? Not sure why it’s not working?? Ahhh!!!

    Thanks if anyone can help.

  3. Let me know as soon as you have info — this has been one one place most tnet2 players have checked back to. I’ll throw up a new post with whatever info you provide and link to it from this post — and of course a link to the website once avail. You have no idea how excited I am to hear tnet2 is coming back!

  4. Man, i haven’t been on tnet2 in forever since i converted to a mac. been maybe 6 yrs for me sadly. But i’m looking at all these old players and reminiscing about the old days. I remember Corrosive, Fern, RiotKittie, Egghead. The greats. I not only miss the game but all the great times i had with the regulars on the servers. I suppose its impossible to pull any of our old stats from the server since it is down, eh? Well, hopefully someday tnet2 or it’s equivalent will be back. It has to! well if any of you old timers wanna catch up, you can email me at phrequency37@gmail.com

  5. Haha, first to post here in 2010!! Woohoo!!

    We still miss you Tnet2!!

    (I still see some of you on AIM…right now as I type this!!)

  6. Every now and then, I’ll google tnet2, hoping to find some kind of news. I guess I just got so used to the master server disappearing over the years that I just can’t believe it’s really, *really* gone.

    Anybody go back to 1.13, and if so, are there any servers where one’s likely to find a specials game? Every place I’ve looked has been pretty much dead.

  7. By the way is there any other tetris games similar to tnet?? aim me: aznnhypergix2 or msn me: twigxster@hotmail.com !! keep me updated!! I’ve also been playing blockles on omgpop.com – it’s similar but still lacks tnet feel!!!!!!!!!!!!