Panda Image Gallery – Upgrades

Upgrading to 3.0.x from 2.5.x and earlier
1) Download Panda Image Gallery. Unpack the zip archive and upload the entire contents of the directory panda_image_gallery.
2) Make sure you do not overwrite the ‘./galleries’ directory.
3) Make sure you do not overwrite the ‘./users’ directory or the users file’./users/’.
4) Make sure you do not overwrite your configuration file ‘config.php’.
*Theme support in 3.0 has been overhauled. Any themes designed for older versions of Panda Image Gallery will require an update. Please use the official themes as examples. Version 3.0 also adds several configuration directives which must be included in config.php. Please refer to the packaged config.php.sample for more information.*

Upgrading to 2.5.x from 2.3.x and earlier
1) Make sure you do not overwrite the ‘./galleries’ directory.
2) Make sure you do not overwrite the ‘./users’ directory or the users file’./users/’.
3) Make sure you do not overwrite your configuration file ‘config.php’.
*Themes in 2.4.x have been updated and older themes will require modifications to support the new features added in 2.4.x. Please reference the default themes for more information*

Upgrading to 2.3.0 from 2.2.x
1) Make sure you do not overwrite the ‘./galleries’ directory.
2) Make sure you do not overwrite the ‘./users’ directory or the users file’./users/’.
3) Make sure you do not overwrite your configuration file ‘config.php’.
*Version 2.2 adds several configuration directives which must be included in config.php.Please refer to the packaged config.php for more information.*

Upgrading to 2.2.x from 2.1.2 and earlier
1 ) config.php includes new configuration directives. Please review the packaged config.php.sample and either modify this file for your needs or update your existing file.
2)’themes/{THEMENAME}/options.php includes new configuration directives. Please refer to ‘themes/default/options.php’ to see the changes. If you are currently using the default theme it is recommended you simply replace the existing files with those contained in the archive.

Upgrading to 2.1.x from 2.0.4 and earlier
1 ) ./admin/config.php has been moved to ./config.php. Please move the config file to the gallery root.
2 ) Admin files have been restructured. Before upgrading please delete ‘./admin/imggallerymgmt.php’ and ‘./admin/submitimggalleries.php’
3 ) Admin styling has been incorporated into themes. ‘./admin/uploader.css’ and ‘./admin/content.css’ can be deleted.